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Information on the run-off elections on 09.06.2019


Run-off election in seven districts

There are two candidates to choose from in each of the following districts:

  • Jena-North: Gnida, Katharina (LINKE) / Dr. Vietze, Christoph (SPD)
  • Jena-South: Ludwig, Stig (SPD) / Schlüssler, Adam (GREENS)
  • Jena-Zentrum: Güngör, Lena Saniye (LINKE) / Lützkendorf, Kathleen (GREENS)
  • Kernberge: Dr. Bracht, Katharina / Horn, Olaf
  • Neulobeda: Gliesing, Philipp (LINKE) / Blumentritt, Volker (SPD)
  • Wenigenjena: Dr. Franz, Margret (GREENS) / Haschke, Rosa Maria
  • Jena-West: Thomas, Jens (LINKE) / Dr. Becker, Holger (SPD)

The polling station named on the polling card applies. Polling time is 8.00 - 18.00 hrs.

Postal voting can be applied for

The election letter must be deposited in the deadline letterbox of the City of Jena, Am Anger 15, by midnight on Saturday, 08.06.2019 or brought to the election center, Am Anger 28, on election Sunday, 09.06.2019.

The postal ballot boards and election committees are not responsible for accepting election letters.

Opening hours of the postal voting office

Day Time
Monday 09:00 - 13:00
Tuesday 09:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 09:00 - 13:00
Thursday 09:00 - 18:00
Friday 09:00 - 13:00
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