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Jena also exceeds the seven-day incidence of 50


In the last 24 hours, 13 new SARS CoV-2 virus infections have been reported to the Health Service. This means that the city of Jena has reached a seven-day incidence of 56.4 and exceeds the 50 mark. The state of Thuringia will be notified of this and further measures will be taken to contain the pandemic. A new general decree is being prepared for this purpose, which is to come into force on Tuesday. General conditions are already listed on the information page of the city jena.de/corona.

The seven-day incidence is calculated on the basis of the number of inhabitants reported by the Jena statistics office as of 19.10.2020: 108 127 inhabitants with main residence.

Today, several members of the Health Service were busy identifying contact persons and ordering quarantine. This will continue on Sunday.

About the infections today:

3 elderly persons (one of whom had to be admitted to hospital), 2 middle-aged persons (1 x without symptoms), 8 younger persons (1x without symptoms)

In 3 new cases, a connection with the outbreak of "Restaurant Poseidon" could be determined, so that 14 persons are affected by this case alone.

The statistics from Saturday, 24 October 2020:

  • Number of active cases: 75
  • thereof in the last 24 hours: 13
  • thereof stationary: 6
  • severe courses: 1
  • Infections of the last seven days: 61
  • Seven-day incidence for Jena: 56.4
  • Total number of infected persons since 14 March 2020: 324
  • Total number of deaths: 4
  • Total recoveries: 245
  • of which within the last 24 hours: 0