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Municipal taxes team


  1. Examination and processing of assessment and apportionment notices, tax returns, applications for amendments and other tax bases
  2. Tax assessment, determination of advance payments and interest
  3. Processing/maintaining tax-relevant master data (address data, property and business data, dog ownership data)
  4. Processing of appeals
  5. Correspondence with citizens, tax and legal advisors as well as other authorities and institutions
  6. Providing information in person and by telephone
  7. Processing applications for suspension of enforcement
  8. Examination of liability claims; preparation of liability notices
  9. Assistance with applications for deferral, write-off or remission
  10. Budget processing for the area of municipal taxes
  11. Preparation and analysis of statistics for the municipal tax area
  12. Researching, creating and updating address data in the HKR for the entire municipal administration

Services for

belongs to

Finance department


Municipal taxes team

Am Anger 28, 2. und 3. OG
07743 Jena

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