Municipal taxes team
- Examination and processing of assessment and apportionment notices, tax returns, applications for amendments and other tax bases
- Tax assessment, determination of advance payments and interest
- Processing/maintaining tax-relevant master data (address data, property and business data, dog ownership data)
- Processing of appeals
- Correspondence with citizens, tax and legal advisors as well as other authorities and institutions
- Providing information in person and by telephone
- Processing applications for suspension of enforcement
- Examination of liability claims; preparation of liability notices
- Assistance with applications for deferral, write-off or remission
- Budget processing for the area of municipal taxes
- Preparation and analysis of statistics for the municipal tax area
- Researching, creating and updating address data in the HKR for the entire municipal administration
Services for
- Trade tax - information
- Property tax - information
- Dog deregistration
- Registering a dog - Dog tags
- Amusement tax
belongs to
Finance department