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Corona situation picture for Jena


There were 13 new SARS-CoV-2 infections reported to the Health Specialist Service on Sunday 28/03/2021 (up to midnight). Sadly, another death associated with Covid19 disease has been reported. 1 person was classified as recovered. The 7-day incidence remains above 100.

Background on the infection

A total of 61 positive corona cases have been reported since Friday. Cases are primarily distributed among work settings, families, and infections in schools and day care centers. Since Friday, three schools and one day-care centre have been quarantined after both children and staff tested positive.

According to the health department, the current infection situation is characterized by the fact that infections are spreading more quickly to contact persons. Particularly in the family area, it can be seen that often the entire family members become infectious. This is also due to the fact that mutation detections are constantly increasing. Wherever people come together indoors, the risk is currently increasing.

Figures on results in rapid testing centres are still being compiled and will be submitted later.

Active support in informing contact persons

The situation in the specialist health service is again very tight. Case finding is the top priority and requires all available resources. There may currently be time delays in notifying contacts.

In this context, the health department asks for active cooperation: If persons test positive, they should inform possible contact persons directly. The contact persons should seclude themselves until the public health department has been informed. This is the only way to prevent the virus from spreading further.

Jena statistics from 28.03.2021 (24 o'clock)

  • Number of active cases: 282
  • thereof in the last 24 hours: 13
  • inpatient cases: 6
  • thereof severe courses: 2
  • Infections in the last seven days: 119
  • Seven-day incidence for Jena: 110.2
  • Total infected since 14.03.2020: 3,243
  • Total number of deaths: 63
  • Total recovered: 2,898
  • thereof in the last 24 hours: 1
  • Quarantine number (as of 22.03.2021): 652