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Evening situation from 03.04.2020


Case numbers

  • 136 cases, since yesterday 3 new Corona positive reports
  • 29 recovered, 5 stationary, 2 severe courses

Urgent proceedings against the general ruling on the covering of the mouth and nose dismissed

Today, the Administrative Court of Gera dismissed the application of a citizen against the obligation to wear a mask in summary proceedings. In this context, the judges also referred to a recommendation by the Robert Koch Institute regarding the wearing of mouth and nose covers.

The measure taken by the City of Jena is proportionate, as no certified mouth and nose protectors have to be worn, but alternatives such as scarves, cloths and self-sewn mouth and nose covers are permitted. The temporary wearing of such mouth and nose covers is a considerable encroachment on fundamental rights, but is not as serious as possible dangers that still emanate from the dynamic spread of the sars-CoV-2 virus for the health system and the health of the population.

Citizens sewing for citizens

People who sew mouth-nose covers for other citizens of the city of Jena on weekends can hand them in at the office of the Citizens' Foundation Jena (Unterlauengasse 3) or at the District Deaconry Office Jena (Saalbahnhofstraße 12) starting Monday.

There thecoverings are collected, first washed and then distributed to organisations with a need, and a big thank you to all the volunteer sewers!

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