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Corona situation picture for Jena


On Wednesday, 12.05.2021 (until midnight), the Health Department sent the following information to the Robert Koch Institute 15 SARS-CoV-2 infection reported. 52 people have recovered. Unfortunately, one additional death has occurred as a result of corona disease.

Notes on incidence number - relaxations for incidence below 100 no earlier than 05/21/2021.

The incidence today is again below the threshold of 100. As public holidays are not included in the working day count, if the incidence remains below 100, any relaxation of measures would not take effect until next Friday 21/05/2021 at the earliest.

Date Day/ Event Count yes/ no
13.05.2021 Holiday no
14.05.2021 Working day 1 yes
15.05.2021 working day 2 yes
16.05.2021 Sunday no
17.05.2021 working day 3 yes
18.05.2021 working day 4 yes
19.05.2021 working day 5 yes
20.05.2021 Bridging day - on this day the incidence can also be higher than 100, the relaxations would still come into force /
21.05.2021 Relaxations come into force /

Jena statistics from 12.05.2021 (24 o'clock)

  • Number of active cases: 460
  • thereof in the last 24 hours: 15
  • inpatient cases: 12
  • thereof severe courses: 8
  • Infections in the last seven days: 109 (previous day: 112)
  • Current seven-day incidence for Jena: 97.9 (yesterday: 100.6; day before: 96.1)
  • Total infected since 2020-03-14: 4,231
  • Deceased in total: 70
  • Recovered in total: 3.701
  • of which in the last 24 hours: 52
  • Persons in quarantine: 1,298 (as of 12.05.2021)