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Proposals for Jena Prize for Civil Courage


Civil courage is always and everywhere required. Anyone can find themselves in a situation where they need to rely on the courage of others. What person(s), what situation can you think of from this year and last year (2020) in which civil courageous action was shown?

From now on, the people of the city are called upon to think about the topic and submit suggestions for people or groups.

The "Jena Prize for Civil Courage" is awarded this year for the 20th time and can thus look back on a long history of appreciation and recognition of people who have shown civil courage. The prize aims to bring the topic of civil courage to the public's attention again and again, to stimulate reflection but also to encourage people to reflect on their own actions. The question still stands in the center: What is civil courage for me? Everyone has a different answer to this question. This also applies to the previous winners of the award, with whom we dare to attempt an answer. An overview of all the people and groups who have received awards for their civil courage can be found at www.kokont-jena.de/projektarchiv/jenaer-preis-fuer-zivilcourage/.

Civil courage, as the basis of social, human rights-oriented, open societies, is an important democratic competence as lived humanity and assumption of responsibility. Unfortunately, it is not a matter of course to intervene when people are in distress or even threatened, excluded, discriminated against or treated badly. Empathy and basic humanistic values are crucial, overcoming the frequent impulse to turn away, to move on, and to intervene.

To stand up and to contradict, to go and to interfere, to create publicity and to organize help requires courage, because often one's own attitude is opposed to a majority tolerating or even agreeing to a discriminatory situation. This is exactly what makes civil courage and distinguishes it from first aid. Civil courage requires courage, because expected negative social consequences and reactions for one's own person sometimes override the impulse to intervene.

But not only the people of the city are called upon every year to think about the topic and to submit suggestions for persons who have acted with civil courage, also the economy in Jena takes a stand. Each year, a different company donates the prize.

In 2021, the digital agency dotSource supports the Jena Prize for Civil Courage for the second time with a sum of 1,000 euros: "With renewed support of the Jena Prize for Civil Courage, we would like to contribute in these difficult times to bring the positive in our society more into focus again. At the moment, everyday life is more grey than bright for all of us, so we would like to do good with a small gesture and support the organisers in giving some hope", says Christian Otto Grötsch, founder and CEO of dotSource GmbH.

Together, the Lord Mayor Dr. Thomas Nitzsche, KoKont Jena and Christian Otto Grötsch are now calling on all Jena residents to submit suggestions for people or groups who should be honored for their actions.

This is possible by calling (03641/ 236606) or emailing (buero@kokont-jena.de) to KoKont until 25 July 2021. Further information and criteria for assessment are available at https://www.kokont-jena.de.

All suggestions will be collected at KoKont, checked and handed over to an independent jury. Composed of representatives from science, politics, the social sector and the city administration, it decides on the awarding of the prize.

Around the "Jenaer Preis für Zivilcourage" (Jena Prize for Civil Courage) a circle of companies has come together, all of which have already donated the prize money once and continue to remain loyal to the cause of the prize with sponsorships. These include Godyo Enterprise Computing AG and Stadtwerke Energie Jena-Pößneck GmbH, jenawohnen GmbH and ASI GmbH, Sparkasse Jena-Saale-Holzland and the City of Jena. These have long recognized the great importance of this award and are taking a stand through their support. An overview of all companies that have donated the prize so far can be found at www.kokont-jena.de/projektarchiv/jenaer-preis-fuer-zivilcourage/.

The prize will be awarded again this year together with the Charlotte Figulla Prize for Pupils and Young People on 08 October 2021.