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Panyu Day in Jena on 03.11.2021 digital


The since 2011 alternately in China and Germany conducted "Panyu-Day in Jena" will take place digitally on November 3, 2021 due to the global Corona situation.

Under the title "Guangzhou meets Thuringia. The digital Panyu-Day in Jena 2021.", there will be a "flying fair", the so-called "Flying Fair Thuringia" fair. Due to the time difference, the opening ceremony will begin at 8:00 a.m. via livestream by representatives of Panyu County, the City of Jena, the Free State of Thuringia and the City of Guangzhou.

The event will kick off with short films and speeches introducing Jena and Thuringia as well as Panyu and Guangzhou. This will be followed by keynote speeches and round tables on the topics of smart city, digitalization, optics/optoelectronics and sensor technology, as well as science and research in the interactive digital conference room.

Finally, there will be the opportunity for individual meetings at the trade fair. More than 35 Chinese as well as Thuringian companies and partners will present themselves in the virtual exhibition room.

Representatives in attendance include:

  • Thuringian State Secretary for Economy, Science and Digital Society, Carsten Feller.

  • Mayor of Jena, Dr. Thomas Nitzsche

  • Andreas Krey, spokesman for the management of LEG

  • Mayor from Guangzhou, Mr. Wen

  • District director from Panyu, Mr. Ye

The participation in the livestream and keynotes is free of charge. Here you can find more information and the event program.

Since 2007, there has been a friendly cooperation between the cities of Jena and Panyu/Guangzhou in China with the aim of developing and building bilateral exchanges and thus deepening German-Chinese relations.

Cooperation partners:

  • City of Jena,
  • LEG Thuringia / Thuringia International,
  • German-Chinese Society Jena e.V,
  • Economic Development Corporation Jena mbH

2011年以来,"番禺-耶拿日 "在中国和德国轮流举行,由于全球疫情情况,该活动将于2021113日以数字方式举行。

"广州相遇图林根州 "的标题下,2021年的 "数字番禺-耶拿日",将有一个 "飞翔的图林根州 "贸易博览会。由于时差问题,番禺区、耶拿市、图林根自由州和广州市的代表将于德国上午8点通过现场直播开始开幕。




  • 图林根州经济部秘书长Carsten Feller

  • 耶拿市市长托马斯-尼彻博士

  • 图林根州经济发展局局长安德烈亚斯-克雷先生

  • 广州市市长温国辉先生

  • 番禺的区长叶珊瑚先生





  • 耶拿市

  • 图林根州经济发展局国际部

  • 耶拿德中协会e.V

  • 耶拿经济发展公司