Announcement of the Jena Children and Youth Environmental Award 2022
Together with Stadtwerke Energie Jena-Pößneck, the city of Jena is offering the fifth Children & Youth Environmental Award for the year 2022. This time, the question is "Who has seen the brown bear?"
The aim is to bring the topic of insects in nature more into the focus of Jena's children and young people.
Despite the alarming decline of insect species and their populations, these small animals rarely get much attention. Yet they are of great importance for humans and for the entire ecosystem.
We would like to encourage this,
- to see insects with different eyes - not just as annoying creepy-crawlies
- to create habitats for insects and, for example, to let a corner of the (school) garden go wild.
- Document insect observations.
Jena's children and young people have until 20.06.2022 to deal with insects and apply for the prize.
The Jena Children & Youth Environmental Prize comprises a total sum of 2,500 euros and can be divided among several prize winners. And it would be a gain for environment and nature if the winnings would flow into further environmental and nature conservation projects.
Conditions of participation
All children and young people from Jena can take part. Individual works as well as group works can be submitted.
The application is informal with a description of the project or activity. The following information is required:
- short project description,
- number of participants,
- age of children or grade level,
- full address of the applicant and at least one contact person for queries.
Applications should be sent to the
City of Jena
Department for Urban Development and Environment
Department of Environmental ProtectionAt the Anger 26
07743 Jenaplease also send an e-mail toumweltschutz@jena.de(link sends email).
Further information and the conditions of participation can be found on our websiteumwelt.jena.de/umweltpreis.