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Corona situation picture Jena


The specialist health service reported 8 new infections with the SARS-CoV-2 virus to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) on Sunday, 26 December. The new infections in the past few days are distributed as follows:

23.12.: 65
24.12.: 148
25.12.: 39

During the holidays and at the turn of the year, it should be noted when interpreting the case numbers that a lower level of testing and reporting activity is to be expected.

In addition to numerous cases in the family environment, a total of 13 senior citizen and community facilities are currently affected with positive cases among residents and staff.

Omikron suspect case confirmed

So far, one suspected Omikron case has been confirmed in Jena. The contact persons are in quarantine and have also been tested. The results are not yet available.

Vaccination campaigns in Jena

Until the end of the year, there are still more than 2000 vaccination opportunities in Jena. In addition to the known vaccination times in the vaccination center Ernst-Abbe-Platz (daily 9:00 am to 7:00 pm, with and without appointment) and children's vaccination center Volkshaus (daily until 14:00 children's vaccinations, weekdays from 14:00 family vaccinations) there will be additional offers.

From 27.12. to 30.12. the opening hours at the municipal vaccination centre at Ernst-Abbe-Platz will be extended until 21:00. In addition, booster immunization hours for adults will also be offered from 14:00 to 19:00 at the Volkshaus Immunization Center. Both additional vaccination offers can be booked via the websiteimpfen-thueringen.de.

From this reservation possibility should be also urgently made use, since due to the high cycle of the dates without date reservation with waiting periods is to be counted. Please note that when booking a booster vaccination, a minimum interval of 5 months is indicated, but the appointment booking is actually possible after 3 months according to the current Stiko recommendation.

Jena statistics as of 26.12.2021 (according to RKI, 24 h)

  • Number of active cases: 2,924
  • thereof in the last 24 h: 8
  • inpatient cases: 19
  • thereof in intensive care: 2
  • hospitalization incidence: 5,4
  • Percentage of ITS occupancy (Thuringia-wide): 34.8
  • Infections of the last seven days: 512 (previous day: 525)
  • Current seven-day incidence for Jena: 462.4 (yesterday: 474.1 / day before: 571.7)
  • Total infected since 2020-03-14: 10,297
  • Deceased in total: 113
  • Total recovered: 7,260 (+100)
  • According to the Thuringian early warning system, warning level 3 is in effect for Jena.