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Evening situation from 09.05.2020


Corona fall numbers

There are still 158 corona cases in Jena, and one person is undergoing inpatient treatment in the intensive care unit.
In total there were 3 deaths. 149 persons are considered to have recovered, 6 active cases.

Quiet Saturday in Jena

Today's Saturday was relatively quiet despite the good weather. All registered demonstrations adhered to the rules of distance and the obligation to wear a mouth-nose cover during a demonstration. There were some gatherings of people in the city.

Despite the understanding of wanting to meet friends and families outside in the beautiful weather, the staff for extraordinary events appeals to the people of Jena to continue to adhere to the contact restrictions. So far, no changes have been issued in Thuringia in this regard, but this will only change with a new regulation of the state next week. Then at least the members of two households will be able to meet in public places. However, until a new regulation is issued, the following still applies: Meet in pairs, as a family or with a maximum of one person from outside the household. Exceptions are registered assemblies and demonstrations according to the Assembly Act.