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Ukraine aid: Current advice on refugee housing


By Friday morning, March 11, 2022, a total of about 500 Ukrainian refugees have arrived in Jena. A majority of the arrivals have been accommodated privately, 140 people of whom have been placed in the 200 private offers received by the city so far. Another 80 persons were accommodated in community facilities.

In the community facilities, including the school hostel "Stern", all places are occupied. The first additional buildings are being prepared for accommodation, including the guest house of the International Federation. A first gymnasium at the Rodatalschule is expected to be available as emergency accommodation by the end of next week.

Request: Private refugee accommodation must be organized in an orderly manner

The city of Jena is working at full speed to prepare additional quarters. However, issues such as equipment, hygiene and supplies cannot always be fully and immediately resolved. This takes time in preparation. Against this background, too, the - certainly well-intentioned - private initiatives to take in refugees represent a major challenge.

The city frequently receives reports that people are setting out privately to bring Ukrainian refugees to Jena. It is requested that such initiatives be coordinated in advance with the teams of the city, at neu@jena.de.

If private accommodation for the people is secured, then one can act differently than if spontaneously and uncoordinated ten people or more must be accommodated and fed. The colleagues from the Office for Migration and Integration know exactly the current situation in Jena and can therefore best assess whether the project can be realized. Sometimes - depending on the current situation - there may be cancellations.

Activities should be announced absolutely over neu@jena.de and be waited here a reaction. Only in this way can an attempt be made to ensure individual contact and care for all refugees according to the available possibilities - and in a regulated and orderly manner.