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Evening situation from 28.05.2020


Corona case numbers

As of today there are no more corona cases in Jena known to the public health department. This was announced today by Chief of Staff Benjamin Koppe and Lord Mayor Dr. Thomas Nitzsche. The last person who was ill with COVID-19 was released from quarantine today after a negative test.

Benjamin Koppe sees the course of the past months confirmed:

Our measures of the Jena bundle strategy were correct. After the high number of cases in mid-March, which were mainly due to people returning from their travels, we succeeded in keeping the spread of the virus in the city at a very low level by taking early action and applying stricter rules.

Lord Mayor Dr. Thomas Nitzsche thanked the people of Jena for their exemplary conduct in recent weeks, but especially at the beginning of the crisis.

The respectful treatment of fellow human beings, the keeping of distance and of course the wearing of the mouth-nose-coverings - largely self-made and much earlier than in the rest of Germany - were important success factors. I am proud of my city.

In the meantime, a lot of normality is possible again - albeit with restrictions: restaurants are open, schools and day-care centres are gradually opening, and starting on 01.06.2020, a visit to the open-air swimming pool is possible again.

It is precisely for this reason that Nitzsche and Koppe warn that discipline must be maintained with regard to the observance of distance and hygiene rules, the wearing of mouth-nose covers in shops and public transport, and the possibility of tracing infection chains.

If more people come to Jena from outside as a result of the relaxation, the virus may be introduced again. Therefore we have to act carefully not to risk a second wave and thus a new lockdown,

said Koppe.

The mayors of Thuringia have also underlined these demands in a joint appeal to the state government.

Jena statistics since 14.03.2020

  • 159 reported corona cases, 3 deaths, 156 persons recovered

The last infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus was reported on 12.05.2020.

KiTa fees

In the course of the changeover from emergency care to limited regular operation starting next Monday, many parents are wondering how this will affect the Kita fee. In principle, there is the possibility of an individual agreement between parents and childcare facility. Some institutions already offer this.

For a municipal overall solution, the Kita fee statutes would have to be adapted. This would have an effect on the Kita financing of the provider.

In this context, the city of Jena hopes for a regulation by the state, which would adjust the fees to the actual hours of care provided and compensate the financial losses for the providers.

As long as there are no concrete statements, however, the current fee collection must be maintained.