KSJ hands over 140 kilograms of cork for recycling projects
Kommunalservice Jena (KSJ) has handed over more than 6,000 cork bottle tops to Naturschutzjugend (NAJU) Jena. Since July 2022, cork material can be handed in at a collection point at the northern recycling center. The collected material weighs 140 kilograms and fills twelve removal boxes. The KSJ team would like to thank all visitors to the Recycling Center North who have contributed to this collection. The aim is to make the best possible use of this material in line with a sustainable circular economy approach.
The Naturschutzjugend will use the cork material in various environmental education projects and creative activities to raise awareness of the importance of recycling and resource conservation.
Cork collection still possible
The collection campaign will continue in 2024. Corks can still be handed in during the opening hours of the recycling center at Löbstedter Straße 56. A separate and appropriately labeled brown garbage can is available for this purpose. KSJ would like to help ensure that as many of the 1.2 billion bottle corks that are produced in Germany every year can be recycled. It is estimated that only around a tenth of these are currently recycled.