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DotSource construction project clears another hurdle


The plans for the construction of the new dotSource Campus on the site of the old fire station have reached another important milestone. At its meeting yesterday, Wednesday, 20.03.2024, the Jena City Council passed the necessary resolution to weigh up the plans, the resolution on the implementation agreement and the resolution on the articles of association for the continuation of the construction project. This clears the way for approval planning for the project.

"With today's resolutions, an important project for our city is moving forward. I am convinced that the planned combination of office use, new living space and publicly accessible open spaces will be a gain for the entire Damenviertel district," emphasizes Christian Gerlitz, Mayor and Head of Urban Development and Environment.

Comments from the public consultation

After the city council approved the draft on 19.04.2023, the draft plan and all expert opinions were made available to the public on the city of Jena's website from 11.05.2023 to 23.06.2023. It was also possible to view the planning documents in paper form in the administration building at Am Anger 26. At the same time, an information event was held on 30.05.2023 on the premises of Lutherplatz 3.

A total of 43 letters from the public, including a signature list with 82 signatures, were received during the public consultation period. 37 authorities and other public interest bodies (TöB) submitted comments. The letters received were examined and evaluated in detail. As a result, editorial additions and clarifications were made to the plan, the textual stipulations, the explanatory statement, the noise report and the traffic report. In addition, a dewatering concept, a statement on the risk of bird strikes, a remediation concept, a construction logistics concept and the open space planning were added. The comments received did not result in any fundamental need for changes to the draft plan.

Amendments and additions to the plans and contracts

In addition to the provisions of the project-related development plan and the contents of the project and development plan, further regulations were made in the implementation agreement, which in particular include greening measures and regulations on public parking spaces (see 23/2316-BV).

The development plan includes further instructions and stipulations to be observed to reduce bird strikes and to comply with the city of Jena's guidelines on reducing light pollution. In addition, replacement roosts for kestrels, swifts and bats were specified and integrated into the implementation agreement.

The acoustic study on which the project-related development plan is based shows that the noise emissions from road and rail traffic can be countered by so-called passive noise protection. The commercial noise caused by the planning project complies with the guideline values at the relevant immission points.

Offices, living space and communal meeting places close to the city center

The center of the dotSource Campus is a six-story office building with approx. 12,500 m² of office space, which is intended for the company's employees. Bright, modern working and creative landscapes are to be created here, which will surpass the current space above the Goethe Galerie. Today, 380 people already work at dotSource in Jena and the company plans to continue to grow strongly in the coming years.

The directly connected residential building in the form of a tower will provide up to 52 rental apartments of various sizes in the center of Jena. A small food retailer is also to move into the first floor, which will supply the residents of the residential tower and the ladies' quarter within a short distance. The "Digital Art Park" with trees and benches in the publicly accessible open spaces on Saalbahnhofstrasse invites employees, residents and walkers alike to linger. There is also a sandpit for children.

At least 168 parking spaces are available for cars in a two-storey underground garage. Some of the at least 275 bicycle parking spaces will also be located there. Around 1,000 square meters of the roof area will be greened and 9 trees will also be planted to make the area, which is currently largely sealed, much greener.

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