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Prize awarded for green oases in Jena 2024


Anyone who owns or has designed ecologically and aesthetically particularly successful green façades, roofs, balconies, front gardens, communal courtyards and brownfield sites is cordially invited to apply for the "Prize for Green Oases in Jena". The prize is awarded to both long-term and temporary green spaces that have an external impact on the urban space.

The prize is worth a total of 2,000 euros. As a rule, several objects are awarded. This year's award ceremony is expected to take place in the fall.

Application instructions

Applications can be submitted until 01.09.2024 by private individuals, companies, clubs, associations, planning offices and architects who own a green object or have created a project on behalf of someone else, provided that the parties involved in the ownership agree to participate.

The application must include the following information:

  • Name and address, e-mail address or telephone number
  • Location and detailed description of the greening project
  • several meaningful photos

It can be submitted by post or e-mail:

Jena City Council
Environmental Protection Department
Lower nature conservation authority
Am Anger 26
07743 Jena


Why a prize for green oases

Greenery on and around buildings contributes significantly to the beautification of our cityscape. In addition to the aesthetic aspect, building greenery is of great importance for the urban climate and ecology. Rainwater is retained, stored and later released again, creating a balanced microclimate in summer. The leaf mass binds pollutants such as CO2 and provides food and habitat for numerous animals such as birds and insects. Last but not least, the color green has a calming and relaxing effect on us humans - green is a piece of perceived quality of life.

Legal information on participation

Images submitted with the application may be used by the City of Jena in the context of publications on the Green Oasis Award, unless expressly objected to.

Objects with unclear legal status are generally excluded from the award. This applies in particular to properties requiring planning permission for which no permits have been issued and which are not protected as existing buildings, but also to properties which are the subject of other ongoing building regulations proceedings, such as prohibitions of use or demolition orders.

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