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City council meeting on 24.04.2024


The voting results of the public part of the continued 55th City Council meeting on Wednesday, 24.04.2024. This was the last City Council meeting in this legislature.

All documents can be found in the City of Jena's council system.

16th draft resolution by the Lord Mayor - Resolution on the consideration of the project-related development plan VBB J-45 "EichplatzAreal - Baufeld A"

- confirmed by majority -

17th draft resolution by the Lord Mayor - Implementation agreement for the project-related development plan VBB J-45 "EichplatzAreal - Baufeld A"

- confirmed by majority -

18. draft resolution by the Lord Mayor - resolution on the articles of association for the project-related development plan VBB J-45 "EichplatzAreal - Baufeld A"

- confirmed by majority with 24 yes votes, 5 no votes, 5 abstentions -

19. draft resolution by the Lord Mayor - decision to weigh up the development plan B-Lo 12 "Lobeda-Ost allotment garden site"

- confirmed by majority -

20. draft resolution by the Lord Mayor - Resolution on the articles of association for the development plan B-Lo 12 "Lobeda-Ost allotment garden site"

- confirmed by majority with 27 yes votes, 1 no vote, 6 abstentions -

21st draft resolution by the Lord Mayor - Resolution on the land use plan amendment no. 9 for the "Lobeda-Ost allotment garden site" area in the parallel procedure to development plan B-Lo 12 "Lobeda-Ost allotment garden site"

- confirmed by majority -

22nd draft resolution by the Lord Mayor - decision to approve land use plan amendment no. 9 for the "Lobeda-Ost allotment garden site" area in the parallel procedure to development plan B-Lo 12 "Lobeda-Ost allotment garden site"

- confirmed by majority -

24th draft resolution by the Lord Mayor - Night culture representation for Jena

- confirmed by majority -

25th draft resolution by the Lord Mayor - Tourist guidance system Jena - confirmation of concept and implementation

- confirmed unanimously -

26th draft resolution of the Lord Mayor - Update of the cultural concept of the City of Jena for the years 2025 to 2028

- confirmed by majority -

27th draft resolution of the FDP parliamentary group - Exemption of bicycle stands with advertising from the

from the special usage fee

- confirmed by majority -

28th draft resolution Bündnis 90/Die Grünen parliamentary group - cargo bikes in Jena - removing obstacles

- confirmed by majority -

29th draft resolution of the CDU and Bündnis 90/Die Grünen parliamentary groups - Adjustment of the dog tax statutes

- confirmed by majority -

30th draft resolution CDU parliamentary group - payment card for asylum seekers

- rejected by majority -

31st draft resolution Bündnis 90/Die Grünen and SPD parliamentary groups - Market hall for Jena

- rejected by a majority -

32nd draft resolution Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, SPD, FDP, DIE LINKE - Strengthen registry office, reduce application backlog

- confirmed by majority -

33rd draft resolution of the DIE LINKE parliamentary group - Improve road safety - check how to deal with e-scooters!

- confirmed by majority -

34th draft resolution by the Lord Mayor - Amendment to the honorary graves statutes - inclusion of the grave of Eugen Reclam, which is worthy of protection

- confirmed unanimously with 31 yes votes -

Promotion of public transport use in Jena by means of a welcome ticket

- confirmed by majority -

Gruppe von Männern und Frauen stehen vor dem Historischen Rathaus für ein Gruppenfoto Die Mitglieder des Stadtrates dieser Wahllegislatur haben am 24.4.2024 ihre letzte Sitzung absolviert. © Stadt Jena