Expansion of the fiber optic network in Jena is progressing
The city of Jena is systematically continuing its efforts to strengthen its digital infrastructure: The expansion of the state-of-the-art fiber optic network for the districts of Cospeda, Isserstedt, Krippendorf, Lützeroda and Vierzehnheiligen will start in May. The districts of Jena-Zentrum, Jena-Nord, Löbstedt and Zwätzen will follow in the course of the year.
This expansion will give around 16,700 households and companies the opportunity to receive a direct fiber optic connection to their homes or business premises. Planning has already been completed for a further 17,900 households. Residents in the districts of Ilmnitz, Jenaprießnitz, Kernberge, Kunitz, Laasan, Lobeda-Altstadt, Wenigenjena, Wöllnitz, Wogau and Ziegenhain will benefit from this expansion. The fiber optic connections are being laid on behalf of Telekom.
Complete fiber optic infrastructure by 2026
"After progressing far too slowly with the expansion of fiber optics in Germany for a long time, I am delighted that it has now picked up speed, at least in Jena. By 2026, which is significantly earlier than in most cities in Germany, we will have a comprehensive fiber optic infrastructure throughout the entire city of Jena. I am convinced that in the future, a fiber optic connection will be part of the infrastructure of every building, just like electricity or water," said Christian Gerlitz, Mayor and Head of Urban Development and Environment.
Benjamin Koppe, Head of Finance and Digitization, emphasizes the importance of digital infrastructure for Jena: "In a high-tech region like Jena, a reliable basic digital supply is essential. By providing fiber optic coverage throughout the region, we are not only improving the quality of life for all residents, but also promoting technological progress. By driving forward the expansion of the digital infrastructure, we are also strengthening Jena's position as a leading digital location and driving forward the transformation to a smart city."
Important: property owners must actively consent
Property owners must actively give their consent to receive the fiber optic connection now. The connection itself is free of charge. Costs are only incurred when the connection is used. If owners or tenants only decide to get a fiber optic connection in a few years' time, the street would have to be opened up again. They would then have to bear the connection costs themselves.