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Christmas tree wanted for this year's Jena Christmas market


This year, the Jena Christmas market will take place between 25.11. and 22.12.2024. JenaKultur relies on the help of citizens from Jena and the surrounding communities to ensure that Jena's market square once again spreads Christmas cheer. After all, what would a Christmas market be without a Christmas tree?

JenaKultur's Markets & City Festivals team is looking for a coniferous tree to decorate Jena's market square again during the Advent season. Unfortunately, no compensation can be paid, so the tree will be donated. The costs for felling and removal will of course be covered.


- Minimum size of 18 m
- Uniform growth
- Access must be possible for felling and removal with heavy equipment (crane vehicle, truck)
- Submission by the beginning of November

Application documents

- Height of the tree (min. 18 m)
- Location address
- photo

Please send applications by e-mail to the JenaKultur Markets & City Festivals team: maerkte@jena.de
