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Citizens' budget 2024: submit proposals now


All residents of Jena are invited to submit their suggestions for the use of the 2024 citizens' budget from June 1 to July 30, 2024. With carryover from the previous year, slightly more than 100,000 euros are available this year. Ideas can be submitted conveniently online via the city's participation platform mitmachen.jena.de. After review, the proposals will be put to the vote in the fall.

In the last five years, a total of 297 proposals have been submitted for the citizens' budget. Of these, 128 met the necessary criteria and were put to the vote. Over the years, residents have voted an impressive 5,792 times, selecting 67 projects for implementation.

"This high level of participation shows that the citizens' budget has become a valued tradition in Jena that we would like to continue. Everyone who would like to actively help shape Jena is cordially invited to submit their ideas," emphasizes Mayor and Head of Urban Development and Environment Christian Gerlitz.

Criteria for a successful proposal

The ideas submitted will be reviewed by the Central Coordination Office for Citizen Participation together with other departments before the vote in the fall. A proposal is valid if it complies with the upper limit of 10,000 euros and serves the general public. The improvement must be made either in a public space or in publicly accessible areas or be accessible to the general public free of charge. The results of this review will be discussed by the Citizen Participation Advisory Board before publication.

Voting in the fall

The compliant proposals will be put to the vote in the fall. All residents aged 16 and over can vote for their favorites in the citizens' budget. Votes can be cast online, in writing or at various polling stations.

All important information about the citizens' budget can be found on the City of Jena's online participation platform.
