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Apply now for the 8th Children and Youth Environmental Award 2025


"Instead of gray: urban green!" - This is the motto of the 8th Children & Youth Environmental Award projects that make Jena even greener. The prize has once again been awarded by the city of Jena together with Stadtwerke Energie Jena-Pößneck. It is endowed with a total sum of €2,500.

"When most people hear the word "city", they probably first think of lots of houses, busy streets and shopping facilities. Very few people will think of colorful flower meadows, wild animals and birdsong. However, greenery in the city is very important because it increases our well-being and improves the microclimate. Near-natural green spaces are also a habitat for numerous plants and animals. We are therefore very excited to see the creative and innovative ideas of children and young people to make Jena even greener," says Christian Gerlitz, Mayor and Head of the Department for Urban Development and the Environment.

"We support the Children and Youth Environmental Award because we want to encourage young people to contribute their ideas for a more sustainable Jena. Many previous environmental award projects have already shown how creative approaches can improve the quality of life in our city by focusing more on nature and environmental awareness. We are looking forward to many exciting contributions this year that will enrich our cityscape," says André Sack, Managing Director of Stadtwerke Energie Jena-Pößneck.


The competition is aimed at children and young people living in Jena. Individuals as well as groups, initiatives, clubs, school classes and kindergarten groups can take part. In the case of group projects, the organization must be based in the city of Jena. Support from adults is permitted.

The application is made informally with a description of the project or activity carried out. A short project description, the number of participants, the age of the children or class level and the full address of the applicant as well as at least one contact person for queries are required.

Applications should be sent to the Jena City Council, Environmental Protection Department, Am Anger 26, 07743 Jena or by e-mail to umweltschutz@jena.de(link sends email). The closing date for entries is 25.04.2025.

Evaluation criteria

The evaluation will be based on whether the projects actively improve the environmental situation and how intensively the participants have dealt with the topic. It also looks at how sustainable the project is, in particular how it affects environmental awareness and whether it serves as a role model. Of course, the creative and vivid presentation of the project is also included in the assessment.

Ideas on what such a project could look like for young and old can be found on the city's environmental portal are given. (https://umwelt.jena.de/de/umweltpreis)

The Jena Children & Youth Environmental Award can be divided among several prize winners. The award ceremony will take place as part of the Environment Day // Your Day in Paradise in May 2025.

Looking back

In 2024, the motto of the Environmental Award was "Our soil: just dirt?". The joint first prize went to the kindergarten on Lauensteinweg and class 6a of the Christliches Gymnasium.

Blume auf Boden
Der Kinder- und Jugend-Umweltpreis 2025 wird ausgelobt unter dem Motto "Statt grau: Stadtgrün"
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