New Zeiss site in Jena-Isserstedt
Another important milestone has been reached for the establishment of the planned ZEISS production site in Jena-Isserstedt. Following the decision to initiate the development plan B-Is 12 "Zeiss Produktionsstandort Jena" in April of this year, the purchase agreement between Carl Zeiss Grundstücks GmbH & Co. KG and the City of Jena was notarized today. The purchase agreement covers the largest part of the future commercial site, which covers a total of 30 hectares. The site in Jena-Isserstedt offers precisely the flexibility and scalability to develop the next growth phase of ZEISS in a dynamic process due to its high space capacities.
Following the investment in the high-tech location in the center of the city, the acquisition of the property is a renewed, clear commitment to the company's founding location. ZEISS will thus continue to strengthen Jena as a high-tech center in Thuringia in the future.
"The site is the largest development plot still available in the Jena district. It offers very good conditions for meeting the infrastructure requirements and also contributing to the sustainability goals of ZEISS," says Marc Weimann, overall project manager of the future construction project.
Mayor Christian Gerlitz emphasizes: "Today we were able to reach the central milestone for this important major project and thus lay the foundation for another decade of dynamic economic development in Jena. I am very grateful to my team in the city administration and the KIJ company for their incredible commitment over the past few months in making this final go-ahead for the new ZEISS production site in Jena possible."
In the coming months, it is planned to prepare the planning basis by means of a development plan and the partial amendment of the land use plan. Early participation is scheduled for the end of 2024. Due to the change in current land use from arable land to large-scale commercial use, many expert assessments need to be carried out and the results incorporated into the planning.