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Exercise-friendly kindergarten


Exercise, team spirit and fun are part of everyday life at the AWO kindergarten "Jenzigblick" in Jena. The facility has been awarded the "Exercise-friendly kindergarten" quality seal by Anette Weidensee from the Thuringian Sports Youth. In addition to the kindergarten, the cooperating sports club, Triathlon Jena e.V., also benefits and was delighted to receive financial support.

Heide Broda, Business Unit Manager for Education and Integration Assistance at AWO Regionalverband Mitte-West-Thüringen e. V., emphasized:

"Exercise is more than just physical activity - it promotes team spirit, builds self-confidence and, above all, is fun. At our "Jenzigblick" daycare center, we want to show the children that movement is a natural part of their everyday lives. Together with our dedicated team, we lay the foundation for a healthy and active life."

The ceremonial presentation of the seal was accompanied by a healthy breakfast and an activity-packed program. Maria, a pedagogical specialist from the AWO kindergarten "Jenzigblick", animated young and old guests with a creative sports program that aroused enthusiasm among all participants.

The seal of quality is awarded to facilities that firmly anchor exercise in their everyday life. This not only includes a child-friendly outdoor area and a multi-purpose room for sport and play, but also the involvement of parents and regular further training for educational staff. Over 200 facilities in Thuringia currently bear the seal. This year, 12 daycare centers have already been awarded it.

Climbing, balancing, jumping and romping are far more than just play for children. They promote motor skills, boost self-confidence and lay the foundations for a healthy life. The "Jenzigblick" daycare center impressively demonstrates how a movement-friendly environment can motivate not only the little ones but also their families to be more active.

Daycare center director Antje Trommer was also delighted to receive the seal:

"The award as an 'exercise-friendly kindergarten' is a great incentive for us to organize numerous sporting highlights for our children again in the coming year. Among other things, we are planning a cycling week, adventurous hikes on the Jenzig or in the forest. Exercise is simply part of our program - for the health and sense of community of our children."

Sabine Petzke-Wohlfarth from the Thuringia Accident Insurance Fund provided a special surprise: she presented the children with a set of new, bright green T-shirts. The joy was huge, as the shirts not only symbolize the team spirit of the young athletes, but will also be used at the upcoming exercise events.

Gruppenfoto Ehrung
Der AWO Kindergarten „Jenzigblick“ freut sich über die Auszeichnung.
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