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Preparation for Omikron


Preparing for Omikron: booster vaccinations significantly reduce risk of hospital admission -
Jena's vaccination centers well prepared for vaccination demand

The number of proven Omikron cases in Germany is steadily increasing. Since mid-November, more than 30,000 infections with the virus variant have already been reported to the Robert Koch Institute. From other European countries, where Omikron is already prevalent and up to 200,000 new infections a day are reported, one can follow how the development may soon be in Germany.

Study proves: Booster vaccination reduces risk of hospital admission

Imperial College in London* has now published the first figures for the risk of hospital admission under Omikron. According to thesefigures, the risk of hospitalization is up to 30 percent lower with an Omikron infection than with an infection with the Delta variant. For those vaccinated twice, the risk drops by 34 percent, and for people with booster vaccinations, the likelihood of hospitalization is reduced by as much as 69 percent.

The head of the specialist health service in Jena, Dr Enikoe Bán, said:

"We need to take Omikron very seriously. The good news is that triple vaccination protects well. Everyone who has been vaccinated twice should have a booster as soon as possible. But I can also only appeal to anyone who has not yet been vaccinated: Get vaccinated. Even a first vaccination can lead to a weakening of the course. We must not take Omikron lightly, even though initial studies on Omikron have so far generally predicted milder courses. A mild course still means that you will get sick. Even without ending up in the hospital, you can still be struggling with impaired performance for weeks later, as can be seen in high-performance athletes, for example."

Jena's vaccination centers are well prepared for vaccination demand

With two municipally organized vaccination centers and the two vaccination centers operated by the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians, the city of Jena is well prepared for the coming weeks to serve the vaccination demand well.

  • Vaccination centre Volkshaus, daily 9 a.m.-6 p.m.

The hours of 9am-1pm are reserved at the Volkshaus for children's first and second vaccinations by appointment.

From 2-6 p.m., booster immunizations may take place. Appointment is recommended.

  • Vaccination centre Ernst Abbe Platz, daily 9-18 hrs.

First, second and booster vaccinations can take place there all day.
Booking an appointment is recommended.

For vaccinations without an appointment, registration by 5:30 pm at the latest is recommended.

Booster vaccinations can be carried out from the age of 12. The state of Thuringia has now also recommended these for children over the age of 12.

It is still possible to book vaccination appointments via www.impfen-thueringen.de.

  • Practice Dr. Kielstein, Camburger Straße 91

Mo to Fr 08:00 - 13:00 o'clock

additionally Mo, Tue and Thu 14:00 - 18:00 hrs

  • Practice of Dr. Zink, Nollendorfer Straße 32

Wednesday 15:00 - 18:00 hrs,

Saturday and Sunday 10:00 - 13:00 o'clock

*Source: Report 50 - Hospitalisation risk for Omicron cases in England