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Results of the 2nd meeting of the City Council of the City of Jena on 21.8.2024


At the 2nd meeting of the Jena City Council, Lord Mayor Dr. Thomas Nitzsche was officially sworn in. The longest-serving city council member, Volker Blumentritt, who has now been a city council member in Jena for almost 25 years, took the oath of office.

The voting results of the city council meeting are listed here. All documents can be viewed in the Jena City Council system .

1. commitment of members of the City Council of the City of Jena

2. swearing in of the Lord Mayor of the City of Jena

3. commitment of district mayors of the City of Jena

4. confirmation of the minutes of the 52nd meeting of the City Council on 24.01.2024

- public part -

- confirmed -

5. confirmation of the minutes of the 1st meeting of the City Council on 19.06.2024

- public part -

- confirmed -

6. residents' question time

7. question time

8. draft resolution by the Lord Mayor - Transfer of fee-based contracts to permanent positions at the Jena Music and Art School (MKS), submission: 24/0061-BV

- confirmed -

9th draft resolution by the Lord Mayor - Statutes amending the main statutes of the City of Jena, submission: 24/0017-BV

- confirmed; 28 yes, 12 no, 4 abstain -

10. draft resolution by the Lord Mayor - Appointment of committees, submission: 24/0023-BV

- confirmed -

11th draft resolution Mayor - Prize for Civil Courage - Appointment of a member of the City Council for the 2024 jury, submission: 24/0025-BV

- confirmed -

12th draft resolution by the Lord Mayor - Student Advisory Board, confirmation of members and deputies, submission: 24/0022-BV

- confirmed -

13th draft resolution by the Lord Mayor - Reappointment to the Advisory Board for Citizen Participation 2/24, submission: 24/0016-BV

- confirmed -

14. draft resolution by the Lord Mayor - reappointment to the Climate Protection Advisory Board, submission: 24/2488-BV

- confirmed -

16th draft resolution by the Lord Mayor - Election of the members of the Administrative Board of Sparkasse Jena-Saale-Holzland 2024, submission: 24/0041-BV

- confirmed -

17th draft resolution by the Lord Mayor - Appointment of the Advisory Board of "Jenaer Bäder und Freizeit GmbH" 2024, submission: 24/0049-BV

- confirmed -

18. draft resolution by the Lord Mayor - Appointment to the Supervisory Board of Stadtwerke Jena GmbH 2024, submission: 24/0042-BV

- confirmed -

19. draft resolution by the Lord Mayor - Appointment to the Supervisory Board of Stadtwerke Energie Jena-Pößneck GmbH, submission: 24/0052-BV

- confirmed -

20. draft resolution by the Lord Mayor - Appointment to the Supervisory Board of "Jenaer Nahverkehr GmbH" 2024, submission: 24/0050-BV

- confirmed -

27th draft resolution by the Lord Mayor - Appointment to the Administrative Board of Saale-Betreuungswerk Jena gGmbH, submission: 24/0051-BV

- confirmed -

Oberbürgermeister DR. Thomas Nitzsche und Stadtrat Volker Blumentritt stehen nebeneinander, eine Urkunde in der Hand haltend
Oberbürgermeister Dr. Thomas Nitzsche wurde durch Stadtratsmitglied Volker Blumentritt als Oberbürgermeister vereidigt.