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Successful warning day in Jena


The fourth nationwide warning day was a success from the point of view of those responsible in Jena. "23 digital sirens were activated as planned shortly after 11 a.m.", announced the Jena fire department.
In addition to the alarm, announcements could be heard over the sirens in Jena. In addition, six police patrol cars were on the road in some districts that are not yet equipped with sirens and issued the warning via their outdoor loudspeakers. Shortly after
11:45 a.m. the all-clear was given.

The test alarm had been triggered by the Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (BBK) via the Modular Warning System (MoWaS). The disaster warning apps sounded on cell phones and more modern smartphones were notified via the so-called cell broadcast system. The service sends short messages in an anonymous process that uses the reception readiness of cell phones in the respective regional radio cell of the mobile network. In addition, the federal government controlled the digital information boards
in the city from a central location.

Information on numerous channels

Information about the warning day was provided on numerous channels in the run-up to the event. For example, Stadtwerke Jena drew attention to the warning day during the trial alert via notices on the display boards at the bus stops.

The people of Jena reacted calmly and calmly. Only one caller contacted the control center with a query. Two citizens called the "JenaZentral" information line 490. The reason was that the sirens' voice announcements could not be clearly understood.
The fire department subsequently issued a statement to the effect that it is technically and physically impossible for a voice announcement to be clearly understandable at every point in the city center. Part of the warning mix is also for citizens to actively inform themselves
themselves whether and what danger is imminent. This also includes, for example, that one of the
disaster warning apps (e.g. NINA or Katwarn) on their own smartphones.

The fire department team will now collect and evaluate further feedback on the warning day.

Feedback can also be provided centrally via the 2024 Warning Day questionnaire: www.warntag-umfrage.de
