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Tree planting on Arbor Day


To mark today's Arbor Day, employees from Kommunalservice Jena and the city's environmental protection department planted a European service tree on the slope on the south side of Marienwäldchen in Lobeda-Ost. This is an ideal location for the Tree of the Year 2024, as it likes warmth, is resistant to urban climates and wind. It also doesn't mind drought very much. This means that the European service tree copes very well with the increasingly warm and dry weather phases. These properties are enhanced by the silver-white felt-like hairs on the undersides of the leaves, which serve as protection against evaporation.

The long-lasting autumn color and the orange to red shining fruits make the tree particularly attractive in autumn. However, the fruits also serve as food for animals, meaning that the European whitebeam also promotes biodiversity in the city.

The Day of the Tree takes place every year on April 25. It was introduced in 1952 by the German Forest Protection Association (SDW).
