What is the composition of household waste in Jena?
As a public waste management authority, the City of Jena is legally obliged to draw up waste management concepts and update them as required. One component of the waste management concepts are analyses of the household waste of the citizens living in Jena.
The last household waste analysis for the city of Jena was carried out in 2015. Household waste will now be analyzed again in 2025. Two sorting analyses are required to determine the qualitative and quantitative composition of the household waste. In four different structural areas, the percentage composition of recyclable materials, pollutants and biodegradable waste still contained is determined, among other things. For Kommunalservice Jena (KSJ), the precise identification of the mixed components in household waste is an indicator for determining the dependencies of the input quantities on structural and waste management conditions.
The first sorting analysis is carried out during the low vegetation period in the 8th calendar week. A second sorting analysis will be carried out in the summer of this year. The KSJ informs that in the following areas (on Monday in Cospeda, on Tuesday in Ringwiese, on Thursday in Lobeda Ost and on Friday in Tümplingviertel) the contents of a random selection of household waste garbage cans will be emptied into a separate waste collection vehicle on the day of regular collection. The garbage cans are also subjected to a brief visual fill level measurement and the bin mass including contents is determined on a scale.
Parallel to the household waste analysis, a visual fill level measurement and weight determination of randomly selected paper garbage cans will be carried out in the city center and adjacent areas on Wednesday, February 19, 2025. For data protection reasons, personal data will not be included in the analysis and forwarded for all surveys. The planning and implementation of this year's household waste analysis is being supervised by Witzenhausen Institut für Abfall, Umwelt und Energie GmbH.