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Zero understanding of violence


The city of Jena condemns the unpeaceful meeting in downtown Jena, which last night also involved the use of force against police officers and damage to property.

Benjamin Koppe, head of security of the city of Jena, said

Freedom of assembly is a precious commodity. Even in the Corona pandemic, assemblies are allowed to take place deliberately in order not to restrict this basic right to freedom of opinion. But we have no sympathy if this great good is abused through the use of force and damage to property. As a city, we have a responsibility to the citizens. Everybody should feel safe in Jena and not be afraid for their property. Jena stands for tolerance and cosmopolitanism. We do not want to see such pictures from last night, which we already know from other cities, in Jena.

What had happened?

On Wednesday evening, around 20:00 o'clock, a spontaneous meeting took place in the city of Jena. According to the Jena Police Inspectorate, up to 50 people attended. The participants ignited pyrotechnics and also directed them at the officers and patrol cars on duty. Stones were also thrown. Among other things, the windows of a bank on the church square were broken.