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Evening situation from 05.05.2020


Corona case numbers

Thanks to the Jena bundle strategy against corona, there is still no new SARS Covid 19 infection.
Statistics: 158 corona cases in Jena, one person is undergoing inpatient treatment in the intensive care unit.
In total there were 3 deaths. 149 persons are considered to have recovered, 6 active cases.

City of Jena sticks to qualified hygiene concepts for schools - Further urgent recommendation on mouth and nose covering

As previously reported, the City of Jena recognizes the preliminary decision of the Administrative Court of Gera against the wearing of a mouth and nose cover in school lessons.
This regulation of the general ruling of the City of Jena dated 30.04.2020 will therefore not be enforced for the time being. In the light of this decision, the city will revise its ruling, which is valid until May 10.

Reopening of the day care centres

Day care workers can now be employed again. The youth welfare offices are responsible for the implementation.
The Thuringian Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports has compiled further information on their website.