Results of the City Council meeting on Thursday, 29.06.2023
The voting results of the continuation of the public part of the 46th meeting of the City Council. of Thursday, June 29, 2023.
All submissions can be found in the council system of the city of Jena (link is external).
34. report submission mayor - evaluation of the work results of the "Paradies 21 Steering Group" (resubmission of 22.02.23 TOP 29, 22.03.23 TOP 24, 19.04.23 TOP 30, 10.05.23 TOP 30 and 07.06.23 TOP 26).
- discussed -
35th Mayor's report - Experience of the Corona period in the education sector
evaluate - ensure equal opportunities (resubmission of 16.11.22 TOP 42, 14./15.12.22 TOP 58, 22.02.23 TOP 27, 22.03.23 TOP 25, 19.04.23 TOP 31, 10.05.23 TOP 31 and 07.06.23 TOP 27)
- discussed -
36. mayor's report - final report on the participation in the competition for the "Center of the Future for German Unity and European Transformation
Transformation" (resubmission of 22.03.23 TOP 26,19.04.23 TOP 32, 10.05.23 TOP 32 and 07.06.23 TOP 28)
- discussed -
37th Mayor's Report - Location Analysis for a Bicycle Parking Garage in Jena (resubmission of 22.03.23 TOP 27, 19.04.23 TOP 33, 10.05.23 TOP 33 and
07.06.23 ITEM 29)
- discussed -
38. report submission mayor - selected results of the work of the city of Jena in the area of SGB II (resubmission of 22.03.23 TOP 28, 19.04.23 TOP 34, 10.05.23 TOP 34 and 07.06.23 TOP 30)
- discussed -
39. report of the mayor - balance sheet of the delegation trip to the twin city of Berkeley/USA 2023 (resubmission of 19.04.23 TOP 35, 10.05.23 TOP 35 and 07.06.23 TOP 31)
- discussed -
40th Mayor's Report Template - E-Mobility/Hydrogen Demand Survey; City Council. 2019 (resubmitted 04/19/23 ITEM 36, 05/10/23 ITEM 36 and 06/07/23 ITEM 32).
- Discussed -
41st Mayor's Report Template - Central Control Report as of 12/31/2022. (Quarterly Report 4/2022) (resubmitted 10.05.23 TOP 37 and 07.06.23 TOP 33)
- discussed -
42nd report submission Lord Mayor - Dealing with the Energy Crisis in the City of Jena (resubmission of 10.05.23 TOP 38 and 07.06.23 TOP 34)
- discussed -
43. report template Lord Mayor - Approval of the budget statute and Budget of the City of Jena for the Fiscal Years 2023 and 2024
(resubmission from 07.06.23 TOP 35)
- discussed -
11. draft resolution parliamentary group DIE LINKE. and parliamentary group Bündnis 90/Die Grünen - Compatibility of family and honorary office (resubmission of 22.03.23 TOP 20 and 07.06.23 TOP 16)
- confirmed by majority -
12. proposal for resolution by the Lord Mayor - amendment of the statutes of the Eigenbetrieb Kommunale Immobilien Jena (resubmission of 19.04.23 item 22 and 07.06.23 item 18)
- confirmed -
13. proposed resolution Lord Mayor - Amendment of the Rules of Procedure of the City Council of the City of Jena
- confirmed -
14. draft resolution by the Lord Mayor - statute amending the main statute
- confirmed -
15. draft resolution fraction Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, SPD, CDU, FDP, BÜRGER FÜR JENA and Mayor Mr. Gerlitz - Public Committee Meetings
(resubmission from 19.04.23 TOP 27 and 07.06.23 TOP 19)
- confirmed by majority -
16. draft resolution parliamentary group DIE LINKE - Strengthening the public in committees - implementing the Implement amendment to ThürKO (resubmission of 19.04.23 agenda item 26 and 07.06.23 agenda item 20)
- rejected by majority -
17. proposed resolution Lord Mayor - Prize for Civil Courage - Nomination of a Member of the City Council for the jury 2023 (resubmission of 07.06.23 TOP 21)
- confirmed by majority -
18. resolution proposal Lord Mayor - general resolution on the appropriation of profits from 2022 for the BgA of the municipal utility Kommunalservice Jena
(resubmission from 07.06.23 Item 22)
- unanimously confirmed -
19. proposed resolution Ms. Güngör, Mr. Thomas, Mr. Häkanson-Hall, Mr. Wothly, Dr. Mieth, Dr. Jonscher, Mr. Lenkert, Ms. Flämmich-Winckler,
Mr. Wöckel, Dr. Lukin, Mr. Gliesing, Ms. König-Preuss, Ms. Neumann, Mr. König, Ms. Welle - Information and inspection of files pursuant to Art. 22 par. 3 sentence 4 ThürKO
(resubmission from 07.06.23 agenda item 23)
- confirmed by majority -
20. draft resolution parliamentary groups FDP and BÜRGER FÜR JENA - revenue-neutral Property tax in Jena (resubmission of 19.04.23 TOP 25)
- confirmed by majority -
21. resolution submission mayor - report on the elderly and recommendations for action for the City of Jena 2023
- confirmed by majority -
22. draft resolution of the Bündnis 90/Die Grünen parliamentary group - Age- and and generation-friendly city of Jena - taking more account of the needs of senior citizens
more strongly (resubmission of 25.01.23 TOP 35)
- confirmed by majority -
23. referred to the Finance Committee
Proposed resolution of the parliamentary group DIE LINKE - Re-entry into the employers' association (resubmission of 10.05.23 TOP 27)
25. Removed from the agenda
Proposed resolution by Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, SPD and DIE LINKE parliamentary groups - Diversity of kindergartens in Jena, improve quality, develop joint perspectives
develop together
26. taken from the agenda
Proposed resolution CDU parliamentary group - Opportunities for Quality and Flexibility in childcare
28. referred to the main committee
Proposed resolution by the DIE LINKE parliamentary group - Special Committee Salvador-Allende-Platz
29. referred to the Finance Committee and the Social Committee
Proposed resolution by the parliamentary groups DIE LINKE. and Bündnis 90/Die Grünen - Sponsorship for MARE*GO
30. Referred to Urban Development and Environment Committee
Proposed resolution by the parliamentary groups DIE LINKE. and Bündnis 90/Die Grünen - Time and Financing Plan for the Implementation of the Climate Action Plan
31. referred to the Main Committee and the Finance Committee
Proposed resolution by the Bündnis 90/Die Grünen parliamentary group - Support for Browary
32. Referred to committees
Proposed resolution by the SPD and Bündnis 90/Die Grünen parliamentary groups - Adjustment of the Financing of the Local Districts and Measures to Facilitate Their Work
33. referred to the Finance Committee and the Social Committee
Proposed resolution CDU parliamentary group - Strengthening hospice work in Jena